As the proverbial clouds dimmed the sunshine…
Due to the hype and press with all the online tabloids(blogs), of a possible Brent and Harlow duo, Grant and Mark, resumed speaking with each other.
With some skepticism I asked mark if he was sure he wanted to go through with it?
“I mean in theory it will be hot!” “more powerful than a train wreck, guys will want to see it!” Mark assured me. After about a weeks worth of negotiations Mark purchased the tickets .
The day before my flight I was interviewed by “Garth” and a senior MTV editor on a synopsis regarding my life and general involvement with Brent Corrigan.
They where doing a biography on Bryans life.
These guys knew Mr. Kocis on a professional and somewhat personal level. This made me think to myself who better to ask the following question too than them.
“Garth, does the gay porno watching public, want to see af hats and Brent Corrigan on film?”
His answer was “yesss!”
So after the lengthy interview I resumed packing for my trip.
After a seven hour flight time it was nice to be treated by the San Diego duo to a tasty lunch over looking the hills and ocean.
It was awkward to be sitting across from each other again. Last time Brent and I played footsies while our elders discussed the boring paper work and financial details. All the boy wonder, and stud wonder wanted was to fuck and make some memorable movie’s while we where at it
This time it was even difficult to look at each others eyes. Mark tried to break the ice, with some comment on the weather(didn’t help).
Brent looked like one sad little puppy. Depressed and just down. It was like a reflection of myself, during the first three months of the shit storm.
Once we began speaking, it seemed like we where in group therapy. The chairs around, the lunch table turned into a psychiatrists lounging seat. Everyone vented back and forth for a while. I almost cried twice hearing about how fucked Brent’s life has been. The spiteful comments on the, tabloids had definitely taken their toll on Brent.
I remember taking a deep breath once it was all over with, and mentally screaming ”thank god that’s over with!”
We met up the next after noon at the most beautiful and scenic beach I have ever been too. Mark and Grant agreed that we both needed some bonding time, before the cameras started to roll. Grant told me that there was no better place to do that than a NUDE beach :/
It was a culture shock. Not even in the Navy had I ever been in front of that many people naked. Difficult but the Stud Wonder got use to it
Grant really helped us get out of the ho-hum type attitude, the good ole Texas way(no we didn’t cow tip). Lots of laughs where had tossing the ole football around and frolicking around in the nude.
My favorite part was how Brent melted in my arms cuddling on a beach blanket.
It was short lived …
Towards the end of the day the proverbial clouds dimmed his sunshine.
Basically reality set in.
We both have been through a lot. Brent especially.
Lots of things are going on in that boys life. a lot of it is too personal to post. I have slowly been getting better. But Brent has a bit more to do. He is in good hands, Grant will help him through it all.
The same hype that got us together, to film is the same that soured the moment.
The trip was not a complete wash. We are once again communicating, and left everything to be continued.
A cool part is that they almost feel like family to me.
Sad part would have to be that all the behind the scenes footage will have to stay shelved collecting dust, until we get together again…then again maybe it was just not meant to be …
April 30th, 2024 at 5:36 am
that was a great post. I really enjoyed it. Keep up the good work. Very insightful.
April 30th, 2024 at 8:47 am
Harlow, I don’t want to ALARM you or anything. But, are you sure that that isn’t BUTCH CORRIGAN, Brent Corrigan’s Evil Twin?
April 30th, 2024 at 9:52 am
Dear Harlow when can we expect this long awited video??? on ??? Just curious some of us DONT get wrapped up in all this drama, we just want to see you fuck lol….Johnboy
April 30th, 2024 at 5:33 pm
it looks like the weather was a little overcast
haha … wait it thought it was a NUDE beach … whats up with all the clothes .. haha 
May 1st, 2024 at 4:16 am
I knew it all along it was Butch corrigan and Marlow Cuadra on the beach. the look alikes.
May 1st, 2024 at 4:44 am
what a great post. This is my first time on your blog…good luck with it all…i wish you lots of luck with it, and best of luck on y our new video with Brent Corrigan.
May 2nd, 2024 at 3:30 am
cool roca!
May 3rd, 2024 at 6:32 pm
Hi Harlow, hope you were able to enjoy San Diego. It’s a beautiful city.